Please, don’t forget about Michelle’s Simply Beautiful Plum Cake. It’s brilliant. I mean that.
fig. a: simply beautiful
fig. b: a simple slice of cake
I mean, just look at that. It’s great with coffee and tea, too.
fig. c: part of this complete meal
If you’re lucky enough to still have plums available where you live, don’t hesitate. Find the finest plums you can get your hands on,
fig. d: fine specimens
like these beauties I found at a Polish grocer.
If you can’t find plums, use the best, juiciest prunes you can find, like the justifiably famous pruneaux d’Agen.
If you’re not into prunes, make it with apples.
All I know is that this is a cake that’s capable of generating powerful emotions. When I brought a plum cake to work a couple of weeks ago, one of my T.A.s sent me the following stream-of-consciousness message afterwards: “Please pardon the impropriety of this response. F*** me that was amazing you did an amazing job I loved it I got the last piece way to go that was freaking amazing.”
You’ve been warned.