In Praise of Pegboard


Our beloved pegboard wall in our place is Vermont is very much inspired by the practical, highly cooked-in kitchens of some of our heroes, like the legendary Judith Jones.

Jones, of course, spent much of her life in Greensboro, Vermont, not far from where our house is. However, here she is in her kitchen in Manhattan, and you can see here, too, her kitchen featured a lovely combination of high and low: Moorish tiles together with pegboard from which to hang her pots, pans, and utensils.

Judith Jones in her kitchen.png

If you watch this video from the Wall Street Journal, you can see Jones working her stove and ruminating on the challenges and pleasures of home cooking.

There’s something about your pots and pans being exposed, about being able to see them on the wall beside you that makes cooking even easier, and even more enjoyable.
